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Gen Con Preparation

It was a productive weekend for Lanterns: testing the latest version, sending updates to new and existing testers, and getting ready for Gen Con.

Countdown: 63(ish) days. It was a productive weekend for Lanterns. I received some prototypes from Print & Play Productions with the first version of the tile artwork last week, and I played it a few more times this weekend. (I’ll write up more about Print & Play Productions in a future post. I used them to produce a demo copy of Relic Expedition for Gen Con last year. I loved the product and loved working with them.) I tested the game a few more times, and the latest changes are working well. I emailed the latest print-and-play to a couple of new testers, and I updated existing testers with a single print-and-play page to incorporate the latest tile changes. I also mailed one family a copy of the prototype to start testing the tile artwork; I’m excited for them to receive it and start playing this week.

Prototype of Lanterns with tile artwork from Print & Play Productions
Prototype of Lanterns. Produced by Print & Play Productions.

I will be attending Gen Con this year, and I plan to promote Relic Expedition and Lanterns every chance I can get. I spent time this weekend ordering paper lanterns (from to decorate a table. I got all my files ready to place another order for another run of prototypes from Print & Play Productions. (I’ll use one for demoing, give one to Chris to take back to Canada, and have two to give to reviewers or testers.) I sent a lot of emails arranging meetings with people. It’s going to be a busy convention, promoting our existing games, meeting with so many good friends and collaborators I’ve made over the last year, and looking for some new games to evaluate and consider.


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